August 9, 2000

I am now preparing some Warcraft II: Edition tips. I'm not sure if it is a guide as comprehensive as the MOO2 one at this stage or not, but I will soon figure out what I want it to be. That should be up with in a day or two.

I should also note that the news page is starting to get a little long, so at the time of the next update (should be tomorrow or the next day perhaps) I will archieve all the news on this page. You will be able to access the old news from a link on this page. Every period of approximately seven to ten days will a page in the archieve.

Keeping up with MOO3 news, Inside Mac Games reports that the developers would really like to bring a version of the game to the Macintosh and are currently talking to a developer. This is according to the games web site, That site will probably be added to the links shortly.

Also, a nod of the hat to Vice President Al Gore. I think Sen. Joe Lieberman is a fine choice for his Vice Presidential running mate, although I didn't know a whole lot about Lieberman until the past couple of days. Do yourself a favor if you live in the United States, vote for Al Gore on November 7.

I felt comfortable bringing this up since it is somewhat related to gaming because Lieberman is a strong advocate for labeling video games with a universal rating system (Gore's wife Tipper pioneered this by being an advocate for a rating system for offensive music). This is to allow parents to decide what is appropiate for their kids. He isn't for any censorship, and he can't be since it's unconsituitional anyway because of the first amendment. So please do not confuse that with him being anti computer or video games. IMG has given a couple of stories about him lately and I worry that some people will read those reports and come to the wrong conclusions about him. Please note I think it was a good thing IMG reported it since it concerns gaming, as I say I just worry people will jump to a incorrect conclusion. He doesn't like violent video or computer games at all, no question about it, but the point is he won't (and can't) try for some sort of harsh regulation.

Click on the thumbnail below to download a Gore and Lieberman poster to use as your desktop picture:

August 8, 2000

Still a little later than I hoped, but the MOO2 strategy guide is up. There are a lot of images in the guide so expect to wait a little for all of them to load (depending on your connection of course).

Also as a interesting side note, IMG and MGL report that Master of Orion III could make it to the mac. It is currently in the very early development and conceptual stages.

August 7, 2000

I'm finally back. I was on vacation, camping with my family. I fished everyday there, and finally caught three on the second to last day without any other bites.

I'm a little more tired from the experience than I anticipated, so the guide to MOO2 should be either be put up very late tonight or early tomorrow morning (that is morning and night according to Pacific Standard Time).

July 29, 2000

I am sorry to report that I will be unable to update again until Monday, August 7th. On that date I hope to have a strategy guide up for Master of Orion II. See you then!

July 28, 2000

The mandatory suicide guide is up. Click here to see it.

July 27, 2000

The mandatory suicide guide for Damage Incorporated will be posted tomorrow. I am occupied with other matters today.

July 26, 2000

Special thanks goes out to for spreading the news about my sight.

Tomorrow expect an update to the Damage Incorporated section with a guide at how to get the best score in mandatory suicide mode.

I should also tell you about something I just recently discovered concerning my web address. I just read a newsletter from V3, the company that redirects my URL from a standard fortunecity address to Well, as it turns out the newsletter says will work also. This leads us to an obvious question: Will Eric constantly give us inconsequential fun facts like this?

July 25, 2000

Welcome to the opening day of Gamer's Flagship!

Each of the following games has a page devoted to it. On each game page, there can be screen shots, links, a review, things to download that are related to the game, etc. Whenever a game page is updated, it will be noted in the news here. Currently, each of the following Macintosh games have a page:

Damage Incorporated

WarCraft II: Edition

Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares

Some Playstation 2 games already have pages in place. Those pages will not be updated until after the console is released on October 26, when I have a chance to purchase the games. With that in mind, the following Playstation 2 games have a page:


Red Faction

Note: Many more game pages for both the Macintosh and Playstation 2 will come as time goes on, these aren't going to be the only ones!

Gamer's Flagship features free for all links. If you want to add a link to your own web site or one you find just too cool to pass up, free for all links lets you add it to the list! If you want to use this feature, go to the links page.

Also, a side note about strategies that I offer on this site. I do not pretend to be the best game player on the planet. However, I am someone who has played computer and video games for the past eight to nine years, so I am very experienced. Whatever strategies offered have proven successful for me. If you have some sort of different approach or something that just flat out works better, please immediately go to the message board and let the world know!

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